Sunday, January 9, 2011


This is my 100th post to this blog something I was not sure I would ever attain. The original focus was to document my experience with the Leica D-Lux 4 compact camera. It later expanded to my experiences with the Leica M-9 and photo editing software. Today I'm also going to comment on a book that I have just got through reading. Hopefully some of my experiences have been either interesting or helpful to my readers.
Understanding Exposure the third edition by Byran Peterson available in paperback and Kindle edition at Amazon. This book is a guide on how to shoot great pictures with any camera. The book highlights in simple to understand terms how to evaluate exposure and to implement some simple steps to get the best exposure possible.
Byran uses DSLR camera as the basis for his instruction but if you are using a range finder camera you will find that he strongly advises the taking photos in manual mode. This transfers to range finder cameras easily and you can work through his model for getting the proper exposure easily.
If you are interested in learning more about exposure, ISO, depth of field and how to use them to get the picture you want then you might consider looking at this book. I read the book on my I-Pad the color photos and the layout of the e-book was very good. I wish more photography books were available in this format. It would make for easier reference and storage.
I had the opportunity to take some photos with the Leica M-9 this week as we searched for some new lamps. Here is a short video highlighting our search it is viewed best in HD full screen.

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